SWOT Analysis: Me, an international operator?

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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SWOT Analysis: Me, an international operator? von Mind Map: SWOT Analysis: Me, an international operator?

1. Strengths

1.1. What are the strengths you have? What are you good at?

1.2. What do others see as your strengths?

1.3. What characteristics help in acchieving your goal?

2. Threats

2.1. Is there any ?

2.2. What is your "competition" doing?

2.3. Things that could hinder you from achieving your goals?

2.3.1. External/ internal threats?

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Areas/things you should avoid?

3.2. Areas you should develop?

4. Opportunities

4.1. What interests you?

4.2. What are the best opportunities?

4.3. What could be your role?

4.4. Potential

4.5. Dreams?