Validity Evidence & Reliability

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Validity Evidence & Reliability von Mind Map: Validity Evidence & Reliability

1. Concurrent criterion deals with measurements that can be administered at the same time as the measure to be validated. Predicitve criterion refers to how well the test predicts some future behaviors of the examinees.

2. Construct Validity Evidence - It allows you to know whether results from a test correspond to what you would expect. In other words, construct validity exists if its relationship corresponds well with some theory.

3. Content Validity Evidence - established by inspecting test questions to see if they correspond to what the user thinks should be covered on the test.

4. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence - two types: concurrent and predictive

5. Test-Retest or Stability - the test is given twice and the correlation between the first set of scores and the second set of scores is determined.

6. Alternate Forms or Equivalence - can only be used when two equivalent forms of the test are available, and they must be administered under conditions as nearly eqiuvalent as possible.

7. Internal Consistency - split-halves involves splitting the test into two equivalent parts and determining the correlation between them. Also, odd-even reliability, where the score for each student on each half is determined and the correlation between the two total scores for both halves is computed. A single test is used to make two shorter alternative forms.