How do you feel when you are compassionate towards others and when others are compassionate towa...

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How do you feel when you are compassionate towards others and when others are compassionate towards you! von Mind Map: How do you feel when you are compassionate towards others and when others are  compassionate towards you!

1. The feeling of value in the society. And the reminder of butter effect - Ankit

2. When I be compassionate to other I feel happy and making my life of any work.

2.1. Divyanshi yadav

3. When others show compassion it gives a feeling that there is still positive things in the world. - Ankit

4. Sharvil-The feeling is good as we help other people and they also feel good.

5. Aditya Singh- When i am compassionate to others i feel very good and happy

6. Manoli : It's a feeling where you feel you are at the top of the world. Basically it is more than what we call happiness . And when people helps us we feel more happy and trust the humanity more n more .

7. i feel good

7.1. when others compassionate towards me i feel grateful.

8. Aditya Joshi - I feel very happy and proud of my self


10. It feels good if someone is compassionate to me but it feels even better when you are compassionate towards others.

11. Devashish- I make my day when I help others. When people help me I become helpful to them

12. Ishika: when someone is compassionate towards you,you get to know how important you are for others .

13. Vriddhi - When I m compassionate towards people

14. I feel very happy .

15. Vishakha It's nice to help people and make them smile . It's good to be reason for someone's smile.I feel nice and happy

16. Simran : It feels good and nice