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1. Nouveau sujet

2. Use elements from the general subject (Facing up to FB fears + the 2 articles you read from the list of articles given by your classmates+ your personal article). Create 15 questions. ( after the elections)

3. Text : Facing up to Facebook fears, BBC News, 2007. Studied from 30th April - 7th May 2012

4. Activités

4.1. Your article about social media sites and politics. Give a short summary + Wordbank

4.2. Create a questionnaire

4.2.1. What about your personal use of FB ? Create 15 questions daily / weekly etc. Influence of the social networks on your vote for the presidential elections in France. May 14th

5. Facebook dangers

6. Selection of 2 articles + 2 Wordbanks , 2012 ( before the elections in France)