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Sustainability von Mind Map: Sustainability

1. reusable material

1.1. Buying reusable items instead of single use

1.2. clothes that recycled

1.3. bringing own items to fill with goods

1.4. natural plant based materials such as cotton, bamboo to make fabrics.

2. minimum waste product

2.1. Unused products from too much supply

2.2. Alternatives to Plastic

2.3. Reduce food waste

3. future oriented

3.1. Predictive Analysis

3.2. encouraging elected officials to push f

3.3. regenerative agriculture

4. agricultural resources

5. dd

6. Climate Change

6.1. Net Zero Emmisions

6.2. More floods

6.3. Water table

7. Clean Energy

7.1. Solar

7.2. Wind

7.3. Nuclear

8. Resource allocation

8.1. Sustainability of housing

8.2. Affordable reliable energy

8.3. Local Gardens

9. Reducing Carbon Foot Print

9.1. Use public transportation/ carpool/ bike

9.2. eat less meat

9.3. invest in electric vehicle

9.4. check home insulation (air leaks) windows/doors etc