What is Technology? by Amanda Le

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What is Technology? by Amanda Le von Mind Map: What is Technology? by Amanda Le

1. My New Definition

1.1. Technology is...

1.1.1. Processes

1.1.2. Creations

1.1.3. 'THINGS' Ideas Concepts


1.2.1. "Art, Craft"

1.2.2. "System"

1.3. "Technology has two primary components:" (Kumar et al., 1999)

1.3.1. "1) a physical component which comprises of items such as products, tooling, equipments, blueprints, techniques, and processes" (Kumar et al., 1999)

1.3.2. "2) the informational component which consists of know-how in management, marketing, production, quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional areas." (Kumar et al., 1999)

1.4. Generally, technology is anything that helps us.

1.4.1. Something that makes things easier for humans or solve problems (nusys, 2019). "Fork: Helps us Eat" (nusys, 2019). "Umbrella: Helps Keep Us Dry" (nusys, 2019).

1.4.2. Technology is the use of human knowledge about the universe acquired over years of history to create 'stuff' or 'things' that satisfy our needs or does work for us (Karatsu, 1990). "In other words, technology has to create things that benefit human beings"(Li-Hua, 2007).

1.5. Technology can be more than just a 'thing' we use to make things easier...

1.5.1. it is a means to connect. "Make someone's holiday." (Apple, 2019)

1.5.2. it is a method to learn. Teaching methods changed and adapted based on the technology available in order to enhance student learning (SMARTEduEMEA, 2011). Raising hand to answer questions to electronic Clickers (SMARTEduEMEA, 2011). Spoken and verbal lessons adapted to illustrative lessons using technology such as blackboards and projectors (SMARTEduEMEA, 2011). In-class lessons expanded to include online lessons and wider accessibility to knowledge and learning (SMARTEduEMEA, 2011).

2. My Old Definition

2.1. Technology is...

2.1.1. Electronics Phones Computers Tablets Cameras

2.1.2. Inventions Paper Wheel Telephone Internet

3. How Has the Definition for Technology Changed

3.1. As science, math and our knowledge in general grows, technology's definition follows after it. Inventions even as simple as the wheel was at one time considered, more traditionally, as 'technology'. But as we invent, discover and create more ideas, 'things' and processes, technology's meaning changes along with it.

3.1.1. In the 1930s, technology was thought of much differently. Electronics as we know it today did not exist yet so technology was defined as "useful arts, manufacturing, industry, invention, applied science, and the machine" (Schatzberg, 2006).

3.1.2. When the internet and electronics were invented, they became the new standard image for 'technology' for many. Since they are the most up-to-date technological advances humans have made that are also widely accessible.

3.2. Alan Kay states that"anything that wasn't around when you were born" is considered technology (Greelish, 2013).

3.2.1. Alan's quote shows that technology changes based on when you exist.

4. References

4.1. References Apple. (2019, November 25). Holiday - The Surprise. Retrieved from Holiday — The Surprise Greelish, D. (2013, April 2). An Interview with Computing Pioneer Alan Kay. Retrieved from https://techland.time.com/2013/04/02/an-interview-with-computing-pioneer-alan-kay/ Karatsu, H. (1990). Right technology: transferring technology that is needed. 10-13. Kumar, V., Kumar, U., & Persuad, A., U. K. (1999, April). Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 24. Li-Hua, R. (2007). What is technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3) nusys. (2019, November 14). What is Technology? Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=Px5z-dG531c&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=nusys Schatzberg, E. (2006). Technik Comes to America: Changing Meanings of Technology before 1930. 486. SMARTEduEMEA. (2011, October 3). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s&ab_channel=SMARTEduEMEA

5. Conclusion

5.1. Technology is not easy to define.

5.1.1. We do not experience or live all in the same way. Thus, how we see things can be vastly different. What may be considered technology to one person in the 1900s will not be the same as what someone in the 2000s would consider as technology.

5.1.2. However, technology is more than how we define it from own own personal perspective and it is definitely more than just electronics that we are all so familiar with. There are so many different ways to interpret technology and what it means.