Mission and Convictions

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Mission and Convictions von Mind Map: Mission and Convictions

1. Missional

1.1. Message is the Means

1.2. Contextualization

1.3. integrate volunteers

1.4. Media as language

2. Worshipful

2.1. Community

2.1.1. brothers and sisters

2.1.2. Team Work

2.2. prayerful

2.3. creativity

3. Humility

3.1. Before God

3.1.1. 1 Peter 5:6

3.2. In service to the body

3.3. leadership

4. Disciplined

4.1. Timliness

4.2. quality

4.3. dependable

5. Intro

5.1. Privilaged

6. Mission Statment Structure

6.1. Mission

6.1.1. Who We Are

6.2. Values

6.2.1. How We Behave

6.3. Vision

6.3.1. where we are going