Starting a podcast

Do you want to promote yourself, your business, or an idea? A podcast is an effective tool. Let's learn how to start a podcast.

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Starting a podcast von Mind Map: Starting a podcast

1. Promote the broadcast

1.1. Share podcast link with family and friends

1.2. Share on your social media platforms

1.3. Use link as backlink on your blogs/articles

2. Create content

2.1. Select a topic

2.2. Draft framework

2.3. Create interesting content

2.3.1. Add anecdotes

2.4. Proof-read

2.5. Practice 4-5 times

3. Select platform to broadcast

3.1. List possible platforms

3.2. Review content

3.3. Analyze audience going to platforms

3.4. Match you content with appropriate platform wrt content and audience