Day 2 - 18 Oct Memory

Welcome to the Day 2 of the 9 Day Mind management Challenge. You can view the explanation of this mindmap in the video at: will continue the journey for the next 7 days. I will share a powerful strategy, tool or a concept every day. I have just launched my Telegram Channel "Mind Power Enthusiasts Global" Its a Zero Spam Channel focusing on sharing tools and strategies to improve mind skills. You can join my telegram channel here: M...

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Day 2 - 18 Oct Memory von Mind Map: Day 2 - 18 Oct Memory

1. Process

1.1. Registration

1.2. Retention

1.3. Recall

2. Challenge

2.1. Activate Recall

2.2. Stay calm

2.3. Teach / Share

3. Why we forget

3.1. Not Registered

3.1.1. No Intent

3.1.2. Distractions

3.1.3. Preoccupied

3.2. Not able to Recall

3.2.1. No Practice

3.2.2. No bandwidth

4. Active Recall

4.1. Instant Recall

4.2. Event Recall

4.3. Random Recall