Indigenous situation in Colombia

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Indigenous situation in Colombia von Mind Map: Indigenous situation in Colombia

1. During the UN visit to Colombia in 2010, they expressed that "the situation of human rights of indigenous people in Colombia continues to be very serious, critical and deeply worrying, despite the constitutional recognition of these rights."

1.1. In this vein, it is important to know that the legal recognition of rights is not the only necessary measure. For a real recognition of indigenous peoples in Colombia, a guarantee of access to these rights is necessary.

1.1.1. For this, the economic situation is a fundamental aspect that in the end is so decisive for access to rights. On the other hand, social inclusion and the recognition of different identities is an elementary issue that today's society needs to work on.

2. The official data present that there are around 450 to 500 thoustand indigenous in Colombia of 81 different ethnicities.

2.1. The 'Paeces' or 'Nasa' are the group with most indigenous, there are close to 100 thoustand. They are located in the southwestern of the country, in Cauca department.

3. From 1980 to the present, it is evident the progressive consolidation of the state indigenist policy, of an ideology of acceptance of special rights for indigenous peoples, in particular on land endowment, education and health care programs.

3.1. Currently, some indigenous peoples are in a situation of impoverishment. Others have endured the effects of tension and violence that are the result of the presence of armed groups around or within their territories.

3.1.1. Regarding this, some of the main causes of displacement of these communities are: territorial disputes between armed groups, threats against life and physical integrity, the invasion of dispossessed territories for legal and illegal crops and the use of their territories for the exploitation of resources.