How Can I Be A Responsible Driver: Four Laws of Physics When Behind The Wheel

A concept map based on (Toyota

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How Can I Be A Responsible Driver: Four Laws of Physics When Behind The Wheel von Mind Map: How Can I Be A Responsible Driver: Four Laws of Physics When Behind The Wheel

1. Law Number 1

1.1. Acceleration and speed

1.1.1. The faster and heavier the object,the harder it is to stop The faster and heavier the object, the harder it is to stop I can be a responsible driver by leaving a safe driving space between myself and the driver in front of me

2. Law Number 2

2.1. Momentum

2.1.1. The quantity of motion of a moving car An object moving or at rest will stay that way until it is acted on by an external force I can be a responsible driver by always wearing my seatbelt

3. Law Number 3

3.1. Friction

3.1.1. A force that keeps the car from sliding off the ground How much resistance is created depends on the weight of the object and its amount of contact and grip with the surface I can be a responsible driver by slowing down and braking carefully

4. Law Number 4

4.1. Center of Gravity

4.1.1. The point where the car’s object is concentrated Changes to an object’s weight, speed or direction can change the center of gravity of an object I can be a responsible driver by looking for road signs and slowing down through a curve.