The Secret World Behind Social Engineering: A Hackers Perspective

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The Secret World Behind Social Engineering: A Hackers Perspective von Mind Map: The Secret World Behind Social Engineering: A Hackers Perspective

1. Improve

1.1. Technical issues / improvements

1.1.1. Zoom webinar is still very difficult to understand => solution to have somebody there

1.1.2. Technical responsible

1.1.3. Technical training

1.2. Optimize Content-Process

1.3. Professional Image of Jason

1.4. Incorporate Visuals

1.5. Interaction for Listener

1.6. After-Care

1.7. Monotone after a while because one speaker

1.7.1. Person asking questions

1.7.2. more conversational

1.7.3. Powerpoint should be send beforehand and Hosts should be able to ask questions in between

1.7.4. Suggestion: some information on presentation

2. Positive

2.1. Poll used for interaction

2.2. Guest speaker interesting