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Cataract von Mind Map: Cataract

1. 6- Ocular c onditions a ssociated with c ataract

1.1. Trauma.

1.2. Uveitis.

1.3. High myopia.

1.4. Topical medication (particularly steroid eye drops).

1.5. Intraocular tumour.

2. 5- Systemic causes of cataract :.

2.1. Diabetes.

2.2. Other metabolic disorders (including galactosaemia, hypocalcaemia.

2.3. Systemic drugs (particularly steroids, chlorpromazine).

2.4. Infection (congenital rubella).

2.5. Myotonic dystrophy.

2.6. Atopic dermatitis.

2.7. Systemic syndromes (Down ’ s, Lowe ’ s).

2.8. Congenital, including inherited, cataract.

2.9. X - radiation.

3. 7- Treatment : management remains surgical. There is no need to wait for the cataract to ‘ ripen ’ and cause major visual loss.

4. 8- Complications of cataract surgery :

4.1. 1 Vitreous loss

4.2. 2 Iris prolapse

4.3. 3 Endophthalmitis.

4.3.1. painful red eye;

4.3.2. reduced visual acuity;

4.3.3. collection of white cells in the anterior chamber (hypopyon).

4.4. 4 Cystoid macular oedema

4.5. 5 Retinal detachment.

4.6. 6 Opacifi cation of the posterior capsule

5. 7.Previous eye injury or 8.inflammation

6. 1- Definition : is the name given to any light - scattering opacity within the lens wherever it is located

7. 2 -Symptoms:

7.1. 1.Glare.

7.2. 2.painless gradual loss of vision.

7.2.1. 3.Change in refraction.

7.3. 4.Altered colour perception .

7.4. 5.Halos around lights .

7.5. 6. Double vision

8. 4- Risk factors :

8.1. 1.Increasing age.

8.2. 2.Diabetes

8.3. 3.Excessive exposure to sunlight

8.4. 4.Smoking

8.5. 5.Obesity

8.6. 6.High blood pressure

8.7. 9.Previous eye surgery

8.8. 10.Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications

9. 3- Sings:

9.1. Visual acuity is reduced

9.2. direct ophthalmoscope :appears black against the red reflex

9.3. Slit - lamp examination allows the exact site of the opacity in the lens can be identified