Technology contributions in the area of ​​education and entertainment.

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Technology contributions in the area of ​​education and entertainment. von Mind Map: Technology contributions in the area of ​​education and entertainment.

1. Entertainment

1.1. Technology has been developed alongside man, innovating every day, in recent years it has been improved so that people enjoy more of the experience when it comes to entertaining themselves.

1.2. Over the years, many forms of entertainment have appeared, such as large televisions, applications for smartphones and video game consoles.

2. Education

2.1. The technology in education provided has been growing a lot nowadays it is a necessity so that a student does not start with a great disadvantage compared to his peers.

2.2. However, limiting the use of the Web to do the homework assigned by the teacher is missing a great opportunity to improve the learning process that we could compare to a school that relied exclusively on orality and did not use literacy.

2.3. Over the years, the web has allowed us to consider the possibility of a complete and necessary restructuring of the educational institution to adapt it to current times and to contribute to promoting the values ​​that we already mentioned as fundamental to prepare students for the future .