My neighbourhood : Woodland’s history

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My neighbourhood : Woodland’s history von Mind Map: My neighbourhood : Woodland’s history

1. Last time neighbourhoods was actually “ kampongs “ and we lived in small houses not HDBs

2. Now neighbourhoods are filled with diversity and places where there are tall buildings , places to relax , even places where there’s aircon .

2.1. The development of Woodlands began in 1981. This comprises the building of HDB flats in the Neighbourhood 1, which was completed in 1985; well after the Marsiling Estate. The Neighbourhood 8 was completed in 1987, together with the Neighbourhood 3 in 1989.

3. Memories : my childhood and how I used to run around freely and feel safe .

4. I like that my neighbourhood is comfy and calm . Usually , people say my neighbourhood is “ ghetto “ but really it isn’t . I love that I can interact with nice people all over the neighbourhood of mine 😌

5. What’s so special ? : iconic places like Causeway Point - civic centre - Admiralty park - fushan gardens

6. Usually ; relax with friends . Go hangout with loved once . Watch movies . New experiences . Go to parks .