Course Counselling

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Course Counselling von Mind Map: Course Counselling

1. Acknowledgement

1.1. Thank you so much for joining this session on time. You could be doing so many things but you are here learning How to start a business. This shows your dedication.

1.1.1. Commitment, implementation

2. Stay Connected

2.1. FB

2.2. Youtube

2.3. Any free course

3. Bio

3.1. BIO

3.1.1. since we are going to spend some time together. it is ok to you if i can give you short introduction about myself so that we got to know each other ,,, ask que ,,,,,,tell story

3.2. Credibility

3.2.1. even i have dropped out of college but i have worked with open, honest and velnerable people will start loving you

3.3. Emotional story

3.4. Mission

4. 3 resistances-- clear these in your case studies

4.1. Vehicle-- system-- PACE program

4.2. Internal Fears

4.3. External fears--

5. Industry Stats

5.1. Reason why people are getting results

6. Snapshot Results

6.1. Clients/professors

6.2. credibility- books,

7. Product open loop

7.1. Toward the end i am gonna be offering my STARTUP SUCCESS SYATEM WITH BADA BUSINESS, for those of you who really want to take action and be a part of journey. I am willing to support you on that

7.2. No pricing, seedinig

8. Solution

8.1. This is the solution/system i am going to share in this session

9. Problem

9.1. Its not you lack knowledge what you lack is direction and focus .

9.2. My mentor told me 3 things

9.2.1. 1. focus is your most valuable asset

9.2.2. Systems work people fail

9.2.3. Dont be cheap on your journey to greatness

9.3. You are not in this webinar just for the information. you are here in this webinar to get the strategy. So that you can take action.

10. Proof/Experience


10.1.1. industry stats, results

11. Whats in it for me

11.1. What you will learn

11.1.1. In this session you are going to learn How to start a business without money, office and team. startup success system- 3 simple and safe steps to start a startup. vghjbkn

11.1.2. By the time we finish this session you will have absolute clarity on what is the next step for you to take and what action that you wanna take

12. Set Context

12.1. I am going to set the context so that you will get the best value of your time and money.

12.1.1. This session will be for 4 mins. if you have any other appointment we can reschedule it. But you have to repay the price.

12.1.2. I hope you have pen and paper. Even one idea can change your life. I am going to bust so many myths here. So go and grab a pen and paper.

12.1.3. If you have any question or any doubt. you can keep it at the end. I will ans all the questions. Badabusiness have already prepared a very good content and system. Most of your doubt i will cover in this session only

12.2. Knowledge business Stack, knowledge business system, knowledge skills

13. Trial close

13.1. 10 sec

13.2. practice carefully--- if i proove that you can make 1 lakhs a month , how many of you will be able to make a decision of 2 LAKHS (NOT THE FINAL OFFER)

13.2.1. type -- yes/No

14. Content(45 mins)

14.1. Secret 1- 15 MINS

14.1.1. Concept

14.1.2. Case study/ exapmle/story-- M my student 1- time , system, this money to this money...., disclaimer-- results are typical, this require hard work and dedication.

14.2. Secret 2

14.2.1. Concept

14.2.2. case study/expamle/

14.3. Secret 3

14.3.1. concept

14.3.2. case study

15. Sales-15 mins

15.1. 2 que- Ho

15.2. Sales Bridge

15.2.1. Ask people to leave

15.2.2. Ask permission

15.2.3. Type serious

15.2.4. it your DECISION- Maka decision

15.3. Explain Product

15.4. I have special gift for the action takers

15.5. 15 Mins Action Bonus

15.5.1. Reward action takers

15.5.2. 10 X value

15.6. More gifts

15.7. Ask Why

15.7.1. Heart Story-Story of Hero's journey

15.8. Limiter

15.8.1. I dont want your Money

15.9. I am going to do something very special

15.10. Open 15 min timer

15.10.1. More Goodies

15.10.2. Call out Name

15.10.3. Video Testimonials

15.10.4. "you must probably be thinking"

15.11. Action segment

15.11.1. 15 mins

15.11.2. Another close 10 mins

15.11.3. Q&A

15.12. Give Gifts

15.12.1. Comment Snapshots

16. Transition