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1. CH 4: Language

1.1. "... Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - proposed that languages establish certain mental categories, or classification of reality, almost like a grammar for organizing the worldview that in turn shapes peoples' ways it perceiving the world..." (Guest 100)

1.1.1. The Hopi, a Native American group, combines past and present into one and Whorf suggests that because of this, the Hopi's idea of time is different from the US culture.

1.2. "Words can carry profound meanings based on the history of their use in a culture." (Guest 102)

1.2.1. The N-Word has been used as a negative and derogatory term for African Americans since it is a symbol of white power, slavery, racism and threat to violence.

2. CH 7: Gender

2.1. "Gender enculturation in sports and physical play begins early and happens in varied settings." (Guest 187)

2.1.1. Landers and Fine found that in T-ball boys frequently received coaching, advice and more words of praise while girls' mistakes went uncorrected. Unfortunately, parents support this training and opportunity. We learn from our parents and some might continue this idea when they are older and have children of their own.

2.2. "Hirjas are religious followers of the Hindu Mother Goddess, Bahuchara Mata, who is often depicted and described as transgender." (Guest 192)

2.2.1. Hirjas are viewed as neither man or woman and because of their transgression of cultural and religious boundaries, they are both feared and revered. They also challenge the idea of masculinity and femininity.

3. CH 8: Sexuality

3.1. "Wekker's study focuses on mati - women who form intimate spiritual, emotional, and sexual relationships with other women." (Guest 217)

3.1.1. Unlike Western cultures, who itch for a long-term partner, Mati's have this way of identifying themselves because they rather choose a "visiting" relationship rather than marriage in order to maintain their independence.

3.2. "... commitment ceremonies, holy unions, and weddings were a form of resistance against the cultural norms and legal standard that denied gay men and lesbians the recognition of their lives and loves." (Guest 225)

3.2.1. The community expressed their anger and sorrow and refused to be mistreated. These ceremonies was a way for them to feel recognized, supported and to celebrate with their communities. Today, US marriage patterns are shifting rapidly.

4. CH 11: Environment and Sustainability

4.1. "Today, dramatic changes in the planet's atmosphere and oceans have added urgency to the task if environmental anthropology." (Guest 311)

4.1.1. This can include gas from cars, buses, trains which causes smog contributing to air pollution. We also sometimes forget to recycle and the trash we just throw out the window most likely will drain to our oceans.

4.2. "The construction and maintenance of the canal has reshaped the lives of rural Panamanian peasants who live near it." (Guest 315)

4.2.1. Because the canal requires so much fresh water to move ships, it must sacrifice millions of gallons of fresh water resulting to a huge loss of water for the Panamanians.

5. CH 5: Race and Racism

5.1. "Chine immigrants first arrived in large numbers in the 1850s to work in California's gold mines, on its farms, and in railroad construction." (Guest 137)

5.1.1. European immigrant laborers views the Chinese are competition for their jobs and believed they couldn't be trusted.

5.2. "The shifting characterization of people from the Middle East-especially after the terrorist attacks if September 11, 2001, and the ensuing "war on terror"-reveals newly contested terrain in the race debate and demonstrates how conceptions of race in the Unite States are constantly changing" (Guest 128)

5.2.1. When it comes to those from the Middle East, society often views them as "terrorists" and especially more after 9/11, however, in anthropology we must view the other side of how it affects the Muslim culture of feeling that those people that caused the crash insulted their God and wanted to be a God and robbed them of their religion.

6. CH 12: Politics and Power

6.1. "There nongovernmental organizations (NGO's), sometimes called civil society organizations, have become key players in challenging state policies and in creating space through which activists can work together to access resources and opportunities for their local communities." (Guest 349)

6.1.1. Kayakctivites opposed Royal Dutch Shell's plans to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean, attempt to block Shell's Polar Pioneer drilling rig in Seattle's harbor.

6.2. "Recent attention has turned to the framing process of movements-specifically how shared meanings and definitions arise to motivate and justify collective action." (Guest 361)

6.2.1. The Occupy Wall Street movement cause was "We are the 99%" and that simple phrase gradually focused on the fairness and global inequality over the past 40 years.

7. CH 1: Anthropology for the 21st Century

7.1. "In countries from Pakistan to Peru, rural workers migrate to urban areas seeking to improve their lives and the lives of their families back home." (Guest 22)

7.1.1. Migration is a building bridge between distant parts of the world. Because of this, people from around the world are given many opportunities to provide for themselves and others.

7.2. "... anthropology offers the opportunity to unlock out ability to imagine, sere, and analyze the incredible diversity of human cultures. It also enables us to avoid the tendencies of ethnocentrism to use our own cultural norms to judge the cultural beliefs and practices of others." (Guest 11)

7.2.1. In many parts of Asia, it is customary to eat with chopsticks. They may find it odd for people in other societies to eat with forks and spoons.

8. CH 2: Culture

8.1. "Cultural norms may be widely accepted, but they may also be debated, challenged, and changed, particularly when norms enforced by a dominant group disadvantage or oppress a minority within the population."(Guest 38)

8.1.1. The Stonewall riots were a serious of riots by the LGBTQ community in order to install gay rights. There are still many cultures today who are against gay rights but society is constantly changing what societal norms are.

8.2. "Many key cultural rituals now focus on consumption." (Guest 55)

8.2.1. During holidays like Valentine's day, Christmas, Mother's day, there are many promotions and sales for consumers to purchase for others even in times where we are tight on money.

9. CH 13: Religion

9.1. "French ethnographer and folkist Arnold van Gennep first theorized a category of ritual called rites of passage that enacts a change of status from one life stage to another, either for an individual or for a group." (Guest 377)

9.1.1. Satere-Maw boys wear gloves filled with venomous ants for 10 min and endure pain and paralysis for another 24 hours; boys must under the trial 20 times to be considered men.

9.2. "His (Max Weber) book Sociology of Religion was the first sociological attempt to compare world's religions. In it, Weber suggested that the Asian religious beliefs and ethical systems had stood in the way of capitalist economic growth..." (Guest 382)

9.2.1. Every religion is different and religion can effect cultural and cultural reflects a counties economic growth. According to an articled titled "Religious and Economic Growth" by Les Picker it states that increase in church attendance tend to reduce economic growth.

10. CH 10: The Global Economy

10.1. "Standing in the heart of downtown Tokyo, Japan, Tsujiki Fish Market is the center if a massive global trade in seafood and a cultural icon of Japanese cuisine." (Guest 287)

10.1.1. The rising demand of sushi and other seafood have led to overfishing and decimation of the tuna fishery. The search for tuna have since then expanded to the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Australia.

10.2. "By prestige, Weber referred to the reputation, influence, and deference on certain people because of their membership to certain groups." (Guest 291)

10.2.1. Depending on where you came from can determine what opportunities come your way. A lot of the times, those who are considered "prestige"are presented with countless career advancements, ivy schools, etc, while those who aren't don't have it handed to them.

11. CH 6: Ethnicity and Nationalism

11.1. "In India, a country of more than 1.2 billion people, these individuals would identify themselves as representing different ethnicities shaped by geography, language, food, and cultural practices." (Guest 161)

11.1.1. After arriving to New York as immigrants from India, they all begin the process of becoming Indian Americans. New York City's Little India has become the symbolic center of Indian immigrant life and the building foundation of Indian ethnic identity in the US.

11.2. "Ethnic cleansing-efforts of one ethnic or religious groups to remove or destroy another group in a particular geographic area." (Guest 167)

11.2.1. The Armenian massacres by the Turks from 1915-1916 or the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews in the 1930's-1940's.