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Teenager von Mind Map: Teenager

1. interest

1.1. social media

1.2. trends

1.3. sports

1.4. computer games

1.5. to go outside


2.1. movies

2.2. long sleep

2.3. privacy

2.4. mobile phones

3. dislikes

3.1. Spanish

3.2. stress

3.3. when you burn your food

3.4. to be stressed

3.5. sexual harressment

3.6. sexist sayings

4. duties (duty)

4.1. go to school

4.2. compulsory schooling

4.3. you are responsible for own actions at the age of 14

5. behavoir

5.1. tired

5.2. friendly

5.3. annoying

5.4. Irritated

6. appearance

6.1. clothes

6.2. make up

6.3. to in be influenced

6.4. hair(long,short,curly,green,red)

7. problems

7.1. parents

7.2. friends

7.3. exams

7.4. bullying

8. rights

8.1. drink alcohol with 16

8.2. attend public dance events

8.3. driving license with 16