Network administrator

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Network administrator von Mind Map: Network administrator

1. Benefits

1.1. It is a profession that can be exercised at home

1.2. average salary in Brazil is R$3.697,09

1.3. universities and companies need these type of people

2. What does it take to be one?

2.1. Graduation in informatics

2.2. Graduation in information systems (Systems analysis)

2.3. Graduation in Information Technology

3. Students:Renan Baldez Diego Benicio

4. Growth

4.1. It is considered one of the professions of the future

4.2. It has a high demand for search

4.3. Administer Computer Firewall (Network security devices )

4.4. Little competition in the workspace

5. What he do?

5.1. Administer computer servers

5.2. Manages database

6. Related positions

6.1. Full Network Administrator

6.2. Technical support

6.3. Network, systems and infrastructure analyst