e-learning in Higher Education

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e-learning in Higher Education von Mind Map: e-learning in Higher Education

1. What works

1.1. Global access

1.2. Work + Home + School

1.3. Real world application

1.4. Use of technology

1.5. Asynchronous learning

1.6. Larger worldview

1.7. Continuing learners

2. What doesn't work

2.1. Lack of a sense of community

2.2. Lack of access to technology

2.3. May not work for all types of learners

3. Student responsibilities

3.1. Don't assume 'convenient' means 'easy'

3.2. Make the effort to engage with students, faculty, content

3.3. Apply real life situations to learning and vice versa

3.4. Assume responsibility for the learning - take initiative and don't expect 'to be taught'

3.5. Avoid divided attention and multitasking

4. Instructor/designer responsibilities

4.1. Create course spaces and content that engages and stimulates students

4.2. Recognize the need to intervene and support when necessary

4.3. Give regular feedback

4.4. Assess cognitive load - provide detailed instruction and do not assume that students will know what to do

4.5. Use the capabilities of the LMS - design, analytics, assessment

4.6. Specify learning objectives and outcomes