Copy of Balanced Reading

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Copy of Balanced Reading von Mind Map: Copy of Balanced Reading

1. Professional Materials

1.1. evaluation ideas

1.2. A variety of books

1.3. Books on CD

2. Guided Reading

3. Independent Reading

4. Student Materials

4.1. A variety of reading materials

4.2. Dictionary

4.3. Verb Books

4.4. Word wall

5. Time/ Structure

5.1. warning times start/finish

5.2. DEAR time

5.3. Organized book levels

6. Small area so it is not overwhelming to be reading

7. Physical Space

7.1. Quiet area

8. Atmosphere

8.1. Small carpet

8.2. Comfortable chairs/ couches

8.3. Quiet relaxing music

9. Read outloud

10. Shard Reading