homepage templates

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homepage templates von Mind Map: homepage templates

1. Scheduled homepages

1.1. can be created from a new template

1.2. can be created from a remaining old template

1.3. Can be created from a cloned homepage

1.4. Edit scheduled homepage

1.4.1. can save a draft Can edit and publish draft Can discard draft

1.5. Duplicate scheduled homepage

1.6. Preview scheduled homepage

1.7. set as main homepage

1.8. Delete scheduled homepages

2. Mobile homepages

2.1. Web view

2.1.1. new app iOS Android

2.1.2. Old app iOS Android

2.2. Native

2.2.1. New app iOS Android

2.3. Stacked applets

2.3.1. new app Android iOS

2.3.2. old app iOS Android

2.4. Scheduled homepages

2.4.1. new app iOS Android

2.4.2. Old app iOS Android

3. Homepage designer

3.1. drag on Applets

3.1.1. configure applets

3.2. homepage settings

3.2.1. Change template

3.2.2. toggle on full screen with/without padding

3.2.3. change homepage theme

3.2.4. mobile designer

3.2.5. list view can toggle off list view not seen on published homepage Can toggle on list view can be selected on Published homepage

3.3. Publish

3.4. Save draft

3.5. delete homepages

3.6. Edit homepages

3.7. Edit draft

3.8. Discard draft

3.9. Ensure template matches PP screen shots for column widths

4. Applet testing

4.1. Aldi applets

4.2. dev centre applets

4.3. Tool box applets

4.4. Ensure applets can be configured in multiple ways

4.5. editing page controls

4.6. Applets work as expected on Published homepages

4.7. Toggle applets on/ off in settings

5. run script on new tenant

6. Template selection (Changes required)

6.1. new templates

6.1.1. 11 new templates layout as per PP screen shots

6.2. Hidden templates

6.2.1. existing homepages with the hidden templates can still be cloned

6.2.2. templates B,C,G,H,M,N are no longer seen in the select a template section

6.3. remaining old templates

6.3.1. A,D,E,F,I,J,K,L can still be selected

6.4. Existing homepages

6.4.1. new and remaining old templates can be cloned

6.5. Select template page

6.5.1. Templates are listed 1 to 19

6.5.2. templates 14 to 19 are displayed under recommended for Larger screens

7. Manage areas

7.1. Can create homepages for area types Business, Regions, offices, departments, folder, teams and project

7.2. Folder area defaults to template F

8. Homepage page controls

8.1. Manage areas

8.1.1. Can navigate from Any homepage regardless of template

8.2. Manage security

8.2.1. Can navigate from Any homepage regardless of template

8.3. Manage tour

8.3.1. can set tours on new templates

8.3.2. can still set tours on old templates

8.3.3. Can still set tours on existing hidden templates

8.4. Manage homepages

8.4.1. Can navigate regardless of template to Scheduled homepages

8.5. Edit this homepage

8.5.1. Can edit all homepages regardless of template

9. Browser testing

9.1. Chrome

9.2. Edge

9.3. IE

9.4. Safari

10. run script on existing tenant

11. Navigating to homepages

11.1. navigating from search template

11.2. Navigating from a primary menu link

11.3. Navigating from a content link

11.4. Bread crumb trail

12. Published homepages

12.1. Languages

12.2. links and content

13. Different languages set