Charlie Spencer Chaplin

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Charlie Spencer Chaplin von Mind Map: Charlie Spencer Chaplin

1. Born in April 16, 1889 in London, England

2. His parents seperated

2.1. His mom was comitted to an asylum

2.1.1. Chaplin and his brother had to worked hard for themselves

3. Entered the stage at 13 thanks to his brother

4. A gifted comedian

5. At 19, joined Fred Karno Pantomime group

6. Signed a film contract with Mack Sennett's ( Key Stone ) film company while on US tour

6.1. He did 36 movies then move

7. Popular Movie : A Night Out, The Champion, and The Tramp

8. He didn't just act but took total control of making film

8.1. Wrote, direct, and produce

9. At 26, signed contract to a mutual for 670.000 $ / year

9.1. Made him the highest paid people in the world

10. Formed united artists to gained more control in 1919

11. Released his iconic movie, The Kid in 1921

12. In the 20s - 30s , he made hit films

13. 1940 released The Great Dictator

14. Nominated for 5 academy awards but had a red flag with US Goverment

14.1. because The Great DIctator movie looked like advocating US getting involved in World War II

15. His visa was revoked in 1952

16. Returned to US to received honorary oscar in 1972

17. 1975, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth

18. He died in his sleep in 1977, Dec 25th