4 The business analysis process model

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4 The business analysis process model von Mind Map: 4 The business analysis process model

1. An approach to problem solving

2. Deliver changes

2.1. Delivering the requirements

2.2. Implementing the business changes

3. Define requirements

3.1. Requirements engineering

3.2. Modelling systems

4. Evaluate options

4.1. Identify possible options

4.1.1. Business values

4.1.2. MOST

4.1.3. Business architecture

4.2. Assess feasibility

5. Analyse needs

5.1. Gap analysis

5.1.1. Activities

5.1.2. Processes

6. Consider perspectives

6.1. Stakeholder identification and analysis

6.2. Stakeholder perspectives

6.3. Technique

6.3.1. CATWOE

6.3.2. Business Activity Modeling (BAM)

7. Investigate situation

7.1. OSCAR

7.2. Investigation techniques

7.3. Documenting business situations

8. The Business Analysis process model

8.1. MOST