
Prevention, promotion and protection from alcoholism.Emily AvilaValeria TorresSebastián VidalJohan Posada

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Alcoholism von Mind Map: Alcoholism

1. Promotion

1.1. Carry out campaigns to promote the use of NOT consuming alcohol in excess.

1.2. Excessive drinking includes heavy drinking, binge drinking or both.

1.3. Alcohol misuse is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one’s health, interpersonal relationships or ability to work.

1.4. Alcohol dependence is a chronic disease and is associated with experiencing withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, or alcohol tolerance.

1.5. Alcohol misuse describes alcohol consumption that puts individuals at increased risk for adverse health and social consequences.

2. Alcoholism is the inability to control alcohol consumption due to physical and emotional dependence.

3. Symptoms include recurring alcohol use despite related health and legal problems.

4. Prevention

4.1. Share with the family and friends without drinking

4.2. Do sport

4.3. Read or do some interactive distracting activity

4.4. When you feel like drinking, drink something else and you'll get used to it

4.5. Get used as a child that alcohol is bad

4.6. Work on your self esteem

4.7. Read about the consequences of alcohol and then you will know that it is not good to consume it

5. Protection - Treatment

5.1. Start with the desintoxication, take care of the abstinence.

5.2. Psychological counseling.

5.3. Oral medications.

5.4. Injectable drugs.

5.5. Continuous support

5.6. Socialize with other people, alcoholics anonymous.