The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

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The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs von Mind Map: The Monkey's Paw  by W.W. Jacobs

1. Author

1.1. W.W. Jacobs

1.1.1. William Wymark Jacobs (September 8, 1863 - September 1, 1943) was a British humorist, novelist, and short story writer. He is known primarily from one of his macabre tales as The Monkey's Paw, included in the storybook The Lady of the Barge (1902).

2. Summary

2.1. Chapter 1:

2.1.1. The white family is very close, they do not have much money, and they receive a visit from an old friend The white family is very close, they do not have much money, and they receive a visit from an old friend

2.2. Chapter 2:

2.2.1. The old friend shows the family a wish-granting monkey foot, but he tells the family that the person who makes the wish is not happy.

2.3. Chapter 3:

2.3.1. This chapter shows that Mrs. White and her family get together and say that they are going to use the monkey leg and ask for 30,000 pounds, but after they do, Mr. White starts to feel bad.

2.4. Chapter 4:

2.4.1. The family kept talking about what had happened and Herbert went to work.

2.5. Chapter 5:

2.5.1. A man comes to the White family home and tells them that Herbert died from a work accident and that the company will give them £ 30,000 for the death of his son.

2.6. Chapter 6:

2.6.1. Write your idea here

2.7. Chapter 7:

2.7.1. Write your idea here

3. Wish + Past

3.1. Mr Morris:

3.1.1. The wish was that everything was canceled as if nothing had happened beyond the first wish

3.2. Family:

3.2.1. the family wanted 30,000 pounds

4. Moral of the Story

4.1. The moral of the story is that everything that happens is for a reason in life, even though the moments are lonely and ugly

5. Opinions

5.1. It is a good book and the way we work it is also very good.