Why This Now? Technology and Climate Change

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Why This Now? Technology and Climate Change von Mind Map: Why This Now? Technology and Climate Change

1. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1986

1.1. Three Mile Island Accident 1979

2. sputnik 1 launched 1957

2.1. Vostok 1 Launched 1961

2.1.1. Apollo 11 Launched 1969

3. World War 2

3.1. 1940-1960s Baby Boom

3.2. Big Boy and Little Boy dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

4. Global Population begins to increase

4.1. 1927- 2 Billion

4.1.1. 1951- 2,584,034,261 1971- 3,775,759,617 1999-6,064,239,055

5. Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984

5.1. 1977 Love Canal Disaster

6. Torrey Canyon Supertanker 1967

7. First Use of Planes in war (1911 Italo-Turkish war)

8. LakeView Gusher Oil Spill 1910

8.1. Jan 31, 1975 Corinthos Oil Spill

8.1.1. Deepwater Herizon Oil Spill 2010

9. World War 1 (1914-1918)

9.1. British Mark 1 Tanks 1916

9.1.1. Chemical Warfare ie. Chlorine gas 1915

10. Industrial Revolution

10.1. Newcomen Steam Engine 1712

10.1.1. Watt Steam Engine 1778

10.2. Whitney Cotten Gin 1807

10.2.1. Machine Tools ie. planning machine 1810

10.3. Railway Mania 1840

10.3.1. First Gas-Fired internal combustion Engine 1860

11. First Powered and manned Flight 1903

11.1. First Commercial airline flight 1914

11.1.1. Hindenburg Disaster 1937

12. Dust Bowl 1930

12.1. Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

12.1.1. Broken levees on yellow river 1938