
mahmoud eid sadek shokr

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python von Mind Map: python

1. History

1.1. Developed by Guido Van Rossum

1.2. First released in 1991

2. Features

2.1. Easy to Code

2.2. High-level programming language

2.3. Free and open source

2.4. object -oriented language

2.5. Gui programming support

2.6. Extensible feature

2.7. Python is portable language

2.8. Python is integrated language

2.9. interpreter language

3. Variables in python

3.1. Can be Alpha Numeric

3.2. can not start with Numbers

3.3. Always start with Alphabet

3.4. Memory pointers

3.5. Case Sensitive

4. data Types in python

4.1. Numeric

4.2. Non_Numeric

4.3. Sequential

4.4. Boolean

5. conditional statements

5.1. If statements

5.2. If_Else statements

5.3. If_Else_If statements

5.4. Nested If statements

6. Types of Operators

6.1. Arithmetic

6.2. Comparison

6.3. Assignment

6.4. Logical

6.5. Identity

6.6. Membership

6.7. Bitwise

7. Python Libraries

7.1. Numpy

7.2. Pandas

7.3. Scipy

7.4. Matplotlib

7.5. scikit-learn

7.6. Tensorflow

7.7. Nltk

7.8. Pygame

7.9. Beautiful Soup

7.10. Requests

7.11. Keras

8. loops

8.1. Finit loop

8.2. infinit loop

8.3. break( )

8.4. Pass( )