There is a lack of knowledge as to whether there is a difference in student academic success as ...

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There is a lack of knowledge as to whether there is a difference in student academic success as measured at 75% or higher on the Missouri Constitution test based on whether the student uses their phone during instruction time or not. von Mind Map: There is a lack of knowledge as to whether there is a difference in student  academic success as measured at 75% or higher on the Missouri Constitution test based on whether the student uses their phone during instruction time or not.

1. Student Engagement in the learning Process

1.1. Why Student Engagement is Important and how to Increase it. Amesite » Why Student Engagement is Important and How to Increase It

1.2. The main idea is how important it is to engage your students in learning

1.2.1. I could then look into Do Cell phones affect engagement?

1.2.2. Another topic for research is ways cell phones alter student engagement

2. Teacher Facility Professional Development

2.1. (PDF) Contemporary approaches to teacher professional development

2.2. Is there PD on cell phones usuage?

2.3. How to improve class instruction using cellphones and technology

3. Technology in School


3.2. This article emphasizes the need for a change to what it calls High Quality PD. That means changing the focus of teacher PD from theory based to problem and issues based

3.2.1. 1:1 vs. Cell phones

3.2.2. Advantages of cell phones in the classroom

3.2.3. Disadvantages of cell phones in the clasroom