Benefits of travelling

Hi All, Here is mind map on benefits of travelling. Please share your thoughts on this.

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Benefits of travelling von Mind Map: Benefits of travelling

1. Can try great foods

1.1. Varieties of foods

1.2. Food style

2. Socializing

2.1. Friends

2.2. People

3. Learn new culture

3.1. People

3.2. Books

4. Good storyteller

4.1. Problem faced in adventure

4.2. Experience of Visit

5. Health Benefits

5.1. Healthier

5.2. Stress reliever

5.3. Enhance Creativity

5.4. Boost your happiness

5.5. Reduce your depression

6. Smarter

6.1. Learn new language

6.2. Discover new places

7. Adventurous

7.1. Walking

7.2. Trekking