IT iMovie Project East Dance Club

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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IT iMovie Project East Dance Club von Mind Map: IT iMovie Project East Dance Club

1. Client and End Users

1.1. Bill Ford

1.2. End Users: Students of UWC East Campus

2. Editing

2.1. Intro

2.1.1. Make Introduction?

2.1.2. Straight into action?

2.2. Color Grading

2.2.1. Soft Blue?

2.2.2. Orange?

2.3. Composition

2.3.1. Many Cuts?

2.3.2. No cuts?

3. Movie Details

3.1. Duration

3.1.1. 2-5 Minutes

4. Equipment

4.1. Software

4.1.1. Adobe Flash

4.1.2. Adobe After Effects

4.1.3. iMovie

4.1.4. Duration

4.1.5. Garageband

4.2. People

4.2.1. Dancers Traditional Clothing Hip Hop Clothing Contemporary Clothing

4.2.2. Camera Person

4.3. Hardware

4.3.1. Camera New node

4.3.2. Laptop

4.4. Music

4.4.1. Breakbeat

4.4.2. Electronic

4.4.3. Traditional

5. Actions

5.1. Music

5.1.1. Self Compose?

5.1.2. Royalty Free?

5.1.3. Edit Royalty Free Music?