7.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics: Develop a model to depict the cycling of m...

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7.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics: Develop a model to depict the cycling of matter, including carbon and oxygen, including the flow of energy among biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem. von Mind Map: 7.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics: Develop a model to depict the cycling of matter, including carbon and oxygen, including the flow of energy among biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem.

1. Food Chain

1.1. Food Web Quiz

1.1.1. Watch this video to gain a better understanding of what food chains are and how they work!

1.2. Image of a food chain example.

2. Trophic Levels

2.1. Watch this video to gain a better understanding of the transfer of energy within the different trophic levels.

2.2. Image showing the different percentages of energy that are transferred when going through the trophic levels.

3. Abiotic .vs. Biotic

3.1. Watch this video to hear the difference between abiotic and biotic facotrs!

3.2. Resource for abiotic factors.

3.3. Resource for biotic factors.

4. Food Web

4.1. Food Webs Quiz

4.1.1. Watch this video for an explanation on the food web and how it works.

4.2. Watch this video to hear the food web explained through the eyes of a spider monkey.

4.3. Food web resource. Food Web: Concept and Applications | Learn Science at Scitable

5. Energy Pyramid

5.1. Energy pyramid resource.

5.2. Energy Pyramid Quiz

5.2.1. Watch this video to hear the energy pyramid explained as well as examples of how it works.

6. Atmosphere

6.1. Watch this video for an explanation on the carbon cycle.

6.1.1. Watch this video for an explanation on the oxygen cycle.

6.1.2. Resource and image of Oxygen cycle. https://byjus.com/biology/oxygen-cycle-environment/

6.2. Resource and image of the carbon cycle.