G7 TP08: Social and Geographical Varieties of English

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G7 TP08: Social and Geographical Varieties of English von Mind Map: G7 TP08: Social and Geographical Varieties of English

1. Teilnehmer Tools ILIAS

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1.3. Glossar

1.4. Dateiensammlung

1.4.1. zusätzlicheTexte?

1.4.2. Vorlesungsskripte

1.4.3. Ablaufplan

1.4.4. Literaturliste?

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2.4. Gruppen generieren?

2.5. Dateien für G7

3. Teilnehmer Tools StudIP

3.1. Forum

3.2. Dateiordner

3.3. Teilnehmerübersicht

3.4. Literaturliste?

3.5. Ablaufplan?

4. Lerneinheiten

4.1. Organizational Matters

4.2. Introduction: Definitions and Methogological Approaches

4.3. Geographical Varieties

4.3.1. Britain and Ireland

4.3.2. North America

4.3.3. Australia

4.3.4. Pidgin and Creole

4.3.5. Other geographical Varieties

4.4. Social Varieties

4.4.1. Variation and situational context

4.4.2. Language and gender

4.4.3. Language and age

4.4.4. Language and ethnicitiy

4.5. Language and Interaction

4.6. Does language influence society too? The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

4.7. What did we learn and how do we finish?