Was Athens truly a democracy?

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Was Athens truly a democracy? von Mind Map: Was Athens truly a democracy?

1. What does 'democracy' mean?

1.1. Have students write a short, personal reflection on the definition of democracy and then what it means to them.

2. Does living in a unified city-state grant you equal standing?

2.1. Read excerpts from Lysistrata. Discuss the meaning of citizenship and what the women decided to do to gain a sense of power.

2.1.1. The formative assessment will be a two day (possibly three) activity. Students will randomly draw different fictional characters of different genders, wealth, and social status. They will write a short free-response question about how their life may be impacted (positive or negative) if Athens allowed all individuals to vote, regardless of gender or social status. There will be a day for research and then students will argue for or against allowing all to vote in Athens the next day in class.

3. Do we see a democracy in modern times? In more locations than others?

3.1. Read four documents that including excerpts from Pericles, “The Funeral Oration,” 432 BCE, Democracy: Its Meaning and Dissenting Opinions of the Political Class in Nigeria: A Philosophical Approach, Tocqueville's "Democracy in America," and Aristotle, “The Athenian Constitution.” Students will be split into groups, each group will take a document and analyze and discuss before moving to a class discussion.

4. What do you think would happen if the practice of ostracism were to continue?

4.1. A quick fun activity asking students to vote out someone from society. This can be anyone! Then discuss with the class the pros and cons of such actions.