Problem statement: More teachers experience burnout near the end of the school year and COVID-19 ...

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Problem statement: More teachers experience burnout near the end of the school year and COVID-19 has exacerbated that issue. We want to understand which stakeholders and resources were major supports for educators who were expected to teach both virtually and in-person last Spring as well as experienced burnout during the school year. The purpose of the study is to perceive how this population was able to persist and return to work the following school year in Autumn. Our study will include how these teachers describe what made them persist and return after experiencing burnout from teaching virtually and in person; people and resources included in their responses will be noted, as well as other observations. This qualitative research project will use the sampling strategy of non-probable sampling. Knowing this information will help determine what can help prevent future teacher attrition while facing this pandemic. von Mind Map: Problem statement: More teachers experience burnout near the end of the school year and COVID-19 has exacerbated that issue. We want to understand which stakeholders and resources were major supports for educators who were expected to teach both virtually and in-person last Spring as well as experienced burnout during the school year.   The purpose of the study is to perceive how this population was able to persist and return to work the following school year in Autumn. Our study will include how these teachers describe what made them persist and return after experiencing burnout from teaching virtually and in person; people and resources included in their responses will be noted, as well as other observations.   This qualitative research project will use the sampling strategy of non-probable sampling.   Knowing this information will help determine what can help prevent future teacher attrition while facing this pandemic.

1. Articles on reasons for teacher attrition

1.1. Articles related to teacher attrition and COVID

2. The impact of COVID on school systems

3. Articles on resources that teachers use to feel "put together"

4. Articles on teacher resources during COVID

5. Resources for teachers who teach virtually and in person