A Better New Normal through AR/VR - Webinar

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A Better New Normal through AR/VR - Webinar von Mind Map: A Better New Normal through AR/VR - Webinar

1. New Normal

1.1. Social distancing

1.2. Work from home

1.3. Less travel

1.4. Fear

1.5. -benefits of AR/VR in new normal (seamless user interaction with com application, natural engagement in remote collaborative, greater productivity from remote working condition and greater opportunities for more effective kinesthetic learning

1.6. -designing of AR/VR in new normal ( user experience is the most critical to get right, fall in love with the problem, leverage other technologies and the only limit is your imaginations

2. VR/AR introduction

2.1. -AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtual

2.2. -VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with a smartphone

2.3. -the devices are VR headset, AR glasses, Smartphone, Tablet, Projection mapping, Ambient intelligence

2.4. -scale of AR experiences (tabletop scale, room scale and world scale)

2.5. -type of physical anchors for AR (flat images, patterns, videos, objects and environment

2.6. -scale for VR experiences ( 3 degrees-of-freedom and 6 degrees-of-freedom

3. Paradigm shifts in human- computer interaction

3.1. -keyboard + mouse

3.2. -touchscreen

3.3. -spatial

4. Calm technology

4.1. -Dangling string and Maxis unforgettable

4.2. -a tangible interface making use of physical object in user's home to triggered playback for related media

5. Digital twins

5.1. -is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object.

5.2. -allows for working remotely

5.3. -operating or maintaining resources and managing processes

6. AR Game / App

6.1. KFC Haha Hop

6.1.1. -created using XR

6.1.2. -to control character need to say haha for it eat the shrimp and hop

6.2. skin analyser

6.2.1. -created using computer vision and machine learning

6.2.2. -analyze skin via camera and recommend best skincare products for user

6.3. Maxis Re:Collection

6.3.1. -a AR app for dementia suffer

6.3.2. -for elderly user has to do is by pointing the different person photo

6.3.3. -the memory as video or photo will be play

6.4. my safe city

6.4.1. -for Malaysian user to experience augmented based city by using smartphone

6.4.2. -can explore and tap on different buildings and some activities to interact with

6.4.3. - is a tabletop scale experience

7. VR

7.1. virtual reality showroom

7.1.1. -for car brand "Subaru"

7.1.2. - for VR user to experience test drive and customize colour or other option of the car model

7.1.3. -can go into the car, pop-out to explain features, everything is in true-to-life scale

7.1.4. -can easily experiences at home

7.2. gravity sketch

7.2.1. -is an intuitive 3D design platform for cross-disciplinary teams to create, collaborate, and review in an entirely new way.

7.2.2. -user in full 6 degrees-of-freedom vr

7.2.3. -can move around and sketch out the patterns user likes in 3D

7.3. spatial io

7.3.1. -can create a 3D avatar with a single selfie

7.3.2. -avatar can talk , move and interact with other friends or people

7.3.3. -can use AR glasses/VR headset / webcam

8. Natural interaction

8.1. -direct manipulation

8.2. -activity recognition

8.3. -natural language processing

8.4. -eye gaze tracking

8.5. -tangible user interface

8.6. -brain com-interface

9. software

9.1. Unity

9.1.1. -a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies

9.2. Unreal Engine

9.2.1. - a game engine developed by Epic Games

9.2.2. -can create 3D models, video and rapidly build and prototype for the AR experience