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Travel von Mind Map: Travel

1. Flying

1.1. long- haul

1.2. chatered

1.3. overbooked

1.4. ubeatable price

1.5. turbulence

1.6. tedious

1.7. overhead

1.8. first class

1.9. economy

1.10. business class

1.11. overseas

2. Traveller

2.1. weary

2.2. unwary

2.3. seasoned

2.4. vigorous

2.5. vibrant

2.6. getting off the beaten track

2.7. staying in the thick of attention

2.8. venture

2.9. undimmed

3. Destination

3.1. quaint

3.2. peculiar

3.3. vibrant

3.4. lavish

3.5. wondrous

3.6. impoverish

3.7. desolate area

3.8. isolated area

3.9. impeccable

3.10. tedious

3.11. uninhabitable

4. Driving

4.1. long- haul

4.2. tedious

4.3. overland

4.4. pull over

4.5. flag down

4.6. held up in traffic