Cyber Security Tips for Students and Teachers


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Cyber Security Tips for Students and Teachers von Mind Map: Cyber Security Tips for Students and Teachers

1. Choose a Strong Password

1.1. Strong passwords make it much more difficult for cyber criminals to break into institutional accounts and portals.

1.2. Create passwords based on non-dictionary words with a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers will reduce the likelihood of a successful hacking attempt.

2. Undergo Security Awareness Training

2.1. Teachers who conduct researches should arrange security awareness training and phishing awareness trainings in order to detect social engineering attempts.

3. Appoint Internal Cyber Security Ambassadors

3.1. Appoint several volunteers interested in cyber security as ambassadors and implement a training and mentorship program to develop their knowledge of threats and best practices.

4. Keep Software Up to Date

4.1. Updating software regularly eliminates vulnerabilities that hackers can use to launch ransomware attacks.

4.2. Patching your software and devices stop anyone from being able to access the system without the user's permission.

5. Install Anti-Malware and Anti-Virus Software

5.1. Anti-malware and anti-virus will enable either the student or the teacher to block malware and other malicious software from infecting school devices.

6. Avoid Clicking On Email Links or Opening Attachments

6.1. clicking on email links or operating attachments from anonymous senders is a security risk that can lead to installing malware.

6.2. Teachers and students should be regularly reminded how to check if the sender is legitimate before clicking on anytime.