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My Career Planning von Mind Map: My Career Planning

1. Weakness

1.1. Self-criticism

1.2. Too sensitive

1.3. Emotional

2. Attitude

2.1. Willingness

2.2. Determined

2.3. Punctual

2.4. Thoughtful

3. Challenge

3.1. Fear

3.2. Negativity

3.3. The State of the World

3.4. What Other People Think

4. My Development Strategy

4.1. Hard Skill

4.2. Soft Skill

4.3. Learning New

5. Strength

5.1. Growth Mind Set

5.2. Well planner

5.3. Positive Mind

5.4. Work Oriented

5.5. Trusty

6. Job

6.1. Multinational Company

6.1.1. Unilever Bangladesh Limited

7. Education

7.1. Daffodil International University

7.2. IIM (India) . MBA

7.2.1. 2023

8. Skill

8.1. Graphics Designer

8.2. Microsoft Office

8.3. Video Editing

8.4. Leadership

8.5. Problem Solving

8.6. Communication

9. How to overcome

9.1. High Determination

9.2. Be Positive

9.3. Focus Goal

10. Experience

10.1. Trainer (2015-2018)

10.1.1. A1 Computer Training Center (58112)

10.2. Certificate Maker (2020-2021)

10.2.1. Bangladesh Ansar VDP

10.3. General Secretary (2020-2021)

10.3.1. Business & Education Club, DIU-PC