Appendicular Skeletal System

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Appendicular Skeletal System von Mind Map: Appendicular Skeletal System

1. Hands

1.1. From shoulder to elbow

1.1.1. Humerus

1.2. From elbow to wrist

1.2.1. Radius / Ulna

1.3. Wrist

1.3.1. Carpus

1.4. Palms

1.4.1. Metacarpus

1.5. Fingers

1.5.1. Phalanges

2. Legs

2.1. The longest bone in the thigh

2.1.1. Femur

2.2. Below thigh

2.2.1. Tibia / Fibula

2.3. Ankle

2.3.1. Tarsus

2.4. Forefoot

2.4.1. Metatarsus

2.5. Fingers

2.5.1. Phalanges