Writing:Letters/Emails (уч.Starlight 10.Unit 1.9.,)

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Writing:Letters/Emails (уч.Starlight 10.Unit 1.9.,) von Mind Map: Writing:Letters/Emails   (уч.Starlight 10.Unit 1.9.,)

1. Informal Letters

1.1. informal greeting

1.1.1. Dear Mary,

1.1.2. Dear Dad,

1.2. an intruduction

1.2.1. How is it going?

1.2.2. How are you?

1.3. mainbody

1.3.1. main subjects

1.4. a conclusion

1.4.1. I'd better to go.

1.4.2. Love

2. Semi-formal letters

2.1. Formal greeting

2.2. informal endings

2.2.1. Yours+full name

2.2.2. a respectful tone

2.3. pronouns shouldn't be omitted

2.4. Idioms should be used carefully

3. Formal letters

3.1. sent to people in official position

3.1.1. an intruduction I'm writing to apply for...

3.2. a formal greeting

3.2.1. Dear Sir,/Dear Madam,

3.3. A conclusion

3.3.1. I look forward to hearing from you... A formal ending

4. Инструкции по написанию письма