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Fedualism von Mind Map: Fedualism

1. responsibilities

1.1. Fight for lord in the field and live by chivalry.

2. Nobles

2.1. Lives freely and lavishly. owns property and wealth.

2.2. to fight for the poor and weak.

2.3. to raise troops and command them in the field, hold own court of justice and coin his own money

3. Knights

4. Peasants

4.1. Environment

4.1.1. Work on land of their lord. stayed at one location

4.2. Responsibilities

4.2.1. work hard to produce agriculture. pay to lord.

4.3. Rights

4.3.1. limited, was granted more over time to rent land from lord.

5. Clergy

5.1. Environment

5.1.1. dedicate life to church, live in a monastery or abbey or church.

5.2. rights

5.2.1. education and to preach Christianity to everybody.

5.3. responsibilities

5.3.1. Oversee the spiritual life of the manor, administer sacrament with consistency and regularity.

6. Kings