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Feudalism von Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Peasents

1.1. Enviroment

1.1.1. lived on cottages in manor

1.2. Responsibilities

1.2.1. did all chores or work of manor

1.2.2. Had to pay tax on marriage and grain

1.3. RIght

1.3.1. Could practice Christianity

2. Nobles

2.1. Responsibilities

2.1.1. Military service to lord

2.1.2. Protect the weak

2.2. Rights

2.2.1. Man of nobility was free

2.2.2. Hold court of justice

2.2.3. Coined his own money

2.2.4. Could be Lord of those on his Land

2.3. Enviroment

2.3.1. Ornate food

2.3.2. Elegant clothes

2.3.3. large castle

2.3.4. owned many vassals

3. Knight

3.1. Rights

3.1.1. Could command troops

3.1.2. Hold court of justice

3.1.3. Could be Lord of those on his Land

3.2. Responsibilities

3.2.1. Military service to lord

3.2.2. Protect the weak

3.3. Enviroment

3.3.1. Ornate food

3.3.2. Elegant clothes

3.3.3. large castle

3.3.4. owned many vassals

4. King

5. Clergy

5.1. Responsibilities

5.1.1. Administer scaraments

5.1.2. Confessions

5.2. Right

5.2.1. New node

5.3. Enviroment

5.3.1. Represented the church New node

5.3.2. lived like noble

6. Pope