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1.1. Connectivism

1.1.1. The Learner learns in an interactive way

1.1.2. There is the opportunity to share with others ideas and that work for students and teachers

1.1.3. Knowledge is in a wide variety in technology and not just from one individual

1.1.4. Individuals are able to leanr and obtain information when it is in different froms such as email, twitter or blogs

1.2. Constructivist

1.2.1. Learning is active as individuals participate in the learning and not just sit back

1.2.2. Teacher is the facilitator instead of giving lectures they are helping the students guiding them

1.2.3. New knowledge is developed by the learner

1.2.4. The learner brings what they have already learned or previous experiences to their learning

1.3. Cognitive Load

1.3.1. There is three types to this theory that includes extraneous, intrinsic, and germane

1.3.2. The memory becomes impaired if there is an over load of learning

1.3.3. There are two types of memory: long term and short term

1.3.4. If students are shown to much new information at a time they may not be able to memorize and learn the information to their full potential, teachers need to be aware how much information is being given

2. Technoloy Theories

2.1. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)

2.1.1. Human actions shape technology not the other way around

2.1.2. It fformulates teh steps one is to take when analysing technological successes and failures

2.1.3. Looking into the social world

2.2. Media Ecology

2.2.1. The study of media environments

2.2.2. Looking at society, technology aspects have a major aspect on it

2.2.3. how media communication affect human perception understanding, feeling, and value; and how our interaction with media facilitates or impedes our chances of survival

2.2.4. Is the opposite of SCOT because they look at how humans are affected by technolog rather than technology being changed because of humans