Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability von Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Content Validity Evidence is when the information on a test is inspected to see if he corresponds with the information that was given for the test.

2. Predictive validity evidence tells how well the est predicts future behavior. It allows an educator to see how well the student will do on future test.

3. Concurrent criterion-related validity evidence is giving a new version and an established version and finding the correlation. This is important because it tells if the substance measures up

4. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

5. Content Validity Evidence

6. Split Half is splitting the test into two equal parts

7. Internal Consistency is used to tell if a test is designed to measure the basic concept

8. Alternate Forms or Equivalence is when two forms of a est is given to the same students. If the test come back with similar scores it is reliable but if they come back way off the test is unreliable.

8.1. Session Rule 1

8.2. Session Rule 2

9. Test-Retest is when the test is given twice to compare scores of the same students. This can tell if the first score was reliable.

9.1. Goal 1

9.2. Goal 2

10. Methods of Reliability

11. Interpreting Reliability Coefficients

11.1. Group variability affects the size of the reliability coefficient

11.2. Scoring reliability limits test score results

11.3. the more items included in a test the higher the reliability will be

11.4. reliability tends to change if the test becomes to easy or hard