Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives von Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives

1. Leo Vygostsky

2. BF Skinner

3. Behaviorists theory

3.1. language developed by conditioning

3.2. Language based on punishment and reinforcement

3.3. Language learned by repetition

3.4. Behaviors learned through

3.5. Operant conditioning

4. Interactionists

4.1. Language learned through genetics

4.2. Language developmenft through social interactions

4.3. Memory

4.4. Attention

4.5. perceptions

4.6. Sensations

5. Naom Chomsky

6. Cognitive Developmentalists

6.1. Focuses on semantic and morphemic language

6.1.1. Goal 2

6.2. language learned through experiences

6.2.1. Session Rule 1

6.2.2. Session Rule 2

6.3. Formal operational/ preperational/ concrete operational

6.4. Based on how children learn and gain knowledge through stages

7. Jean Piaget

7.1. Problem 1

7.2. Problem 2

8. Nativists

8.1. Focus syntatic language

8.2. Language learned through oral and written practices

8.3. Explanatory Theory