Reliability and Validity importance of assessments and learning

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Reliability and Validity importance of assessments and learning von Mind Map: Reliability and Validity importance of assessments and learning

1. Strengths

1.1. Content validity:Checks to see if the test measures the instructional objective

1.2. Concurrent criterion-related validity: can be given at the same time for validation.

2. Opportunities

2.1. Content Validity: can be a negative or positive correlation

2.2. Concurrent criterion-related validity: less expensive, or shorter, or can be administer in groups.

3. Predictive criterion-related validity:good for aptitude tests

4. Predictive criterion-related validity: can measure something worthwhile

5. Construct Validty:There is a relationship to other information which corresponds well with some theory.

6. Test-retest reliability: is given twice

7. Test-retest reliability: opportunities for change: longer intervals between tests.

8. Alternate forms: Two equivalent test forms and eliminates memory

9. Internal Consistency: items should be correlated

10. Internal consistency: free from memory and involves one administration

11. Weaknesses

11.1. Content validity: gives info that the test is valid but not the reading level or if conctruction is poor and it is the minimum requirement for a useful test rather than a good test.

11.2. Predictive criterion related validity:does not measure whether the test does a good job of predicting.

12. Threats

12.1. Content Validity: Correlation and causality can be confused

12.2. Construct Validity: has no accepted second measure

13. Construct Validity: has no anchor

14. Test-re-test reliability: some memory or experience is involved.

15. Test-re-test reliability: students remember or if long interval can forget

16. Alternate forms: takes a great deal of effort to develop one good test.

17. Internal consistency: inflated estimates