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Rain von Mind Map: Rain

1. Change sense of perspective

1.1. Look towards the horizon in the sun

1.2. Look down towards your feet in the rain

1.3. The positive power of negative speculation

2. Imagine a day when it feels as if the world is working against you

2.1. Notice the leak in the roof

2.2. Notice the blocked drains

2.3. Understand the potential problems

3. Rainy Days

3.1. When somebody I know is in harm.

3.2. The rest doesn't really matter

3.3. There is a lot to be learned from collecting rain

3.3.1. If you get served lemons make lemonade

3.4. Stressed

3.4.1. Overworked

3.4.2. Overwhelemed

3.5. Confused

3.6. Concerned

3.6.1. Unsure about the future

3.7. There are opportunities in the rain

3.7.1. rehydrate

3.7.2. refresh

3.7.3. dance in the rain

4. Not implementing

4.1. Failing to take the necessary action

4.2. don't know what to do

4.3. don't know how to do it

5. Consider all of the objections

5.1. Worth time thinking about what might arise

5.1.1. Pre-plan an answer

5.1.2. Before the solution arises

5.2. There is a positive way to think negatively

5.3. Understand a potential problem in advance

5.3.1. Remove some of the risks

5.3.2. predict potential outcome

5.3.3. work around them

6. Reality check

6.1. Sensing the negatives

6.2. understanding them

6.2.1. avoid tripping over them

6.3. How far is your money going to go?

6.4. What resources do you really need?

6.5. Favours being asked

6.5.1. Is the goodwill there?

6.5.2. How much arm twisting...?

6.5.3. How far can this go?

6.6. Do not allow the problems to surface and surprise you

6.6.1. Be honest with yourself

6.6.2. Know your enemeies A lack of cash can be an enemy

6.7. Talk to other people

6.7.1. Understand what you don't know

6.7.2. Understand where you need expertise

6.7.3. Don't let it fall apart because you can't do it

6.8. Most take-overs want to remove the founder

6.8.1. He is not the best CEO Entrepreneurs are rock and rollers

6.9. Knowing the reality

6.9.1. Protect against potential problems

6.9.2. Take precautions from risks

7. When it all goes wrong online

7.1. Social Media Trolling

7.1.1. Be careful with privacy settings

7.1.2. Fake profiles

7.2. Trip Advisor example

7.2.1. you must face a negative review head on Be polite Leave door open for communication Acknowledge problem publically Resolve it privately

7.3. Ask Gemma for advice

7.3.1. Twitter: @GemLThompson