Social Networking

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Social Networking von Mind Map: Social Networking

1. Technology

1.1. Smart Phones

1.1.1. Data / Wi-Fi

1.1.2. Social Media apps come with

1.1.3. 1.08 billion smart phones in the world

1.2. Computers

1.2.1. Apps to access social media

1.2.2. Instant messaging

1.2.3. 1 billion computer users world-wide

1.3. Games

1.3.1. Online games connect to Facebook

1.3.2. Facebook games keep people on the site

2. Social Life

2.1. Connect with Friends

2.1.1. Talk with people cross-country

2.1.2. Talk with people in other countries

2.1.3. Details to meet with friends

2.2. Peer Pressure

2.2.1. Rumours spread by social networking impact Social life 43% of teens have experienced online harassment Girls are twice as likely as boys to experience harassment

2.2.2. Pressure friends to get Facebook or Twitter 1 billion + users on Facebook 175 million accounts on Twitter

2.3. Everyone is on their mobile devices

2.3.1. Addicted

2.3.2. Texting and Driving

2.3.3. Social Networking and Driving

3. Arts & Culture

3.1. Celebreties

3.1.1. Twitter Lady Gaga = 31,568,132 followers Justin Beiber =30,691,655 followers Barack Obama = 23,830,553 followers 175 million twitter accounts

3.1.2. Update fans/supporters

3.1.3. Update on gossip or social life

3.2. Media

3.2.1. Photos shared online Photoshopped Memes Nature, Weather, People

3.2.2. Celebrity rumours and stories

3.2.3. Photos shared

3.3. Businesses have Facebook and/or Twitter

3.3.1. Give Updates

3.3.2. Special Deals

3.3.3. Sales

4. Business

4.1. Connecting to clients

4.1.1. Find Clients

4.1.2. Clients looking for a service

4.2. Getting a Job

4.2.1. Online Resume

4.2.2. Employers may view FB profiles

4.3. Quick Communication

4.3.1. Instant Messaging faster than walking

4.3.2. Keep messages/work in order

4.4. Connecting to Clients

4.4.1. Find Clients

4.4.2. Client looking for service

4.4.3. Adds posted on social networking sites