To-Do List

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To-Do List von Mind Map: To-Do List

1. El Ed 440

1.1. Final Project

1.2. Observation Project

1.2.1. Complete Summaries

1.2.2. Complete final thoughts and questions

2. Sped 310

2.1. 2 Article Reviews Due Friday

2.2. Final Due Next Wed

2.2.1. Go in for final help tomorrow

2.2.2. Complete final this weekend

2.3. Notes

2.3.1. Autism

2.3.2. Down Syndrome

3. Ed 380

4. El Ed 352

4.1. create comprehension lesson plan for thurs

4.2. book whisperer

4.2.1. ch. 6 due today

4.2.2. ch.7 due thurs

5. Chem 110

5.1. Chem Test next friday

5.2. lab

5.2.1. finish lab for wed

5.2.2. to the pre lab for wed